RCS Pair Raise 2k With 10k!

01 June 2010


The Bupa London 10k, which is presented by the London Marathon and run on the course likely to be used for the 2012 Olympic Marathons, took place on 31st May.

Both Pauline (RCS Executive Director) and Gemma (RCS HR Manager) completed the 10k run in under one hour; 4,874th place and 3,837th place, respectively.

It was Pauline’s commitment to run for Alzheimer’s Society, after her father was diagnosed with the condition earlier this year.

Pauline said: “The Alzheimer Society is a charity close to our hearts and is drastically underfunded.

“Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease which is affecting more and more families and additional funds are urgently needed to support more research into the causes and possible cures.”

Pauline and Gemma have both raised a combined figure of just under £2,000 for the Alzheimer’s Society and have been overwhelmed by the support they received. Gemma said: “We’d like give a really big thank you to all those who have sponsored and supported us.

“Approximately 13,000 people ran on the day and the atmosphere was fantastic.

“I am reliably informed that a world record for 10k was beaten that day although unfortunately not by Pauline or I!”

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