Dress Down Day

02 December 2012


On Friday 23rd November the company held a ‘Dress Down Day’ in order to raise money for CACT’s ‘Ability Counts’ project, which is a programme of sessions run in school term time for disabled players from the ages of 5-16 years old. CACT is seeking to raise £1,000 to enable the programme to continue.

Staff were asked to donate £1.00 to take part in an office ‘Dress Down Day’ and three of the company’s sites took part, raising an excellent total of £270.00, with cleaning operatives on one of the sites alone donating an impressive figure of £134.00.

The next initiative planned will be a ‘Tea-a-thon’ where staff will be asked to donate 10p per cup of tea or coffee they drink. An RCS Contract Manager has also donated his services, which, when he’s in the office will see him make the tea or coffee for 50p per cup – if staff make their own hot drink when he’s around they will be fined £1.00!

RCS HR Manager Gemma Bowers, said: “We already have £12.55 for the ‘tea-a-thon’, even though we haven’t even started yet.

“We are also going to hold a Christmas raffle, so hopefully by the end of the year we will raise the £1000 that is needed for the Ability Counts programme.” Carl Krauhaus, Disability and Mental Health Officer at CACT said: “RCS have, and continue to be, a fantastic Patron of the ‘Disability and Mental Health’ programme.

“They are constantly thinking of new ways to further support the work that we do. Over the last 2 weeks RCS have provided and planted winter plants in ‘The Charlton Upbeats’ garden at the training ground and have now turned their attentions to this fun way of involving their staff in supporting ‘Ability Counts’ whilst at work.

“Also during this period they have pledged support to ensure that ‘The Charlton Upbeats’ Christmas party goes ahead this year.

“This is just scratching the surface of the full support that RCS have given over the past 2 years and we can’t thank them enough.”

For more information on CACT’s ‘Disability and Mental Health’ programme go to https://cact.org.uk/

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