Olympic Performance

15 March 2012


Held at the British Arab Commercial Bank offices in EC4, elite athletes Steve and Roger, who have come together to form management consultancy Backley Black, gave an excellent presentation to guests from the Facilities Management profession. Drawing on actual footage of some of their epic performances they vividly recounted elements from their own Olympic experiences providing the audience with a unique personal insight on key elements behind their success.

RCS, a family run company with over 40 years experience of providing commercial and window cleaning services to business communities in London were pleased to sponsor the event. As BackleyBlack, the Olympians’ goal is to use the knowledge and understanding that drives sporting success and translate to real life activities raising levels of individual capability to benefit organisational processes, systems and procedures.

Speaking after the event RCS Managing  Director David Sambrook said ‘Steve and Roger’s presentation was truly inspirational and really helped to engender all that is great about the Olympic movement and at the same time conveyed the importance of raising levels of individual capability in the work place. On behalf of RCS I would like to thank Steve and Roger for their excellent presentation and for staying on afterwards to mix with our guests; the evening was a great success and we were so pleased that many of our industry colleagues were able to join us’.

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