RCS Pick Up Outstanding SME Supporter Award

22 March 2012


Held to recognise the commitment of the companies that regularly support the important work of Demelza; the awards were presented by ITV’s ‘News at 10’ presenter Julie Etchingham and RCS received the ‘Most supportive Small and Medium Enterprise of the Year’ award.

Gemma Taylor, RCS’s HR Manager who collected the award along with her colleague Dina Rajapakse said: “We were delighted to receive the ‘Most Supportive SME’ award, which we believe is for all of the RCS staff for their ongoing support and commitment of the work of Demelza.

“On the night an ITV cameraman spoke of his personal experience of Demelza’s services for his 3 year old daughter who sadly died 3 years ago. A heartbreaking story but what was so evident was the amount of joy and support that everyone at Demelza gives to families.

“This simply wouldn’t be possible without the donations that they receive and the fundraising programmes that they put in place.

“We are pleased to be able to support the work of such an inspiring charity.”

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