Research Network For The Alzheimer’s Society

08 November 2011


This is a team of over 200 carers, former carers and people with dementia. 

As volunteers they play an important role in the research programme and make a valuable contribution to the work that The Alzheimer’s Society take part in. 

Pauline, along with the other members, will be taking part in setting the priorities of research that is carried out, giving her opinion on grant applications and sitting on grant selection panels, monitoring the projects that receive funding from the Alzheimer’s Society and telling others about the results of the research.

Pauline’s contribution will help to ensure that funding for research is allocated to projects that will make a difference to people with dementia and to the people who care for people with dementia.

To find out more about The Alzheimer’s Society log on to or to find out more about the Research Network email

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