Paul Newell Rose To The Challenge!

07 January 2011


An MRI scan revealed a complete rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee and reconstructive surgery is planned for early next year.

However, not deterred by this set-back, Paul was still completely committed to compete in the championships.  So, after lengthy discussions with his consultant, Paul was cleared to compete in the bench-press only competition, which would put only minimal stress on his knee.

At the competition he competed in the 100kg class, which included lifters from Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Poland and the USA. Miraculously, he went on to produce a personal best bench press of 220kg, narrowly missing a 227.5kg (500lb)  press and finished just outside the medals in 4th place. The class was won by Andrey Belyaev of Russia, who went onto to be awarded the best lifter of the whole competition.

The bench press has always been his achilles heel, so to go to the World Championships against lifters who have been focusing their training all year on this one lift, achieve a personal best and finish fourth, has been a tremendous motiviatation to Paul.  His placing also contributed points towards Great Britain’s total and helped us retain the Overall Best Team Trophy.

Whilst Paul’s rehabilitation will take around 7 months, it is probable that he will achieve a full recovery and return 100% to competitive lifting.

All at RCS wish him every continued success in the future.

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